Women's Green Goyardine Chevron Canvas Leather Trim Pouch Present - Replica Goyard Medium Tote Bag America
This replica Goyard chevron tote is crafted in two different materials. While it looks very similar to St. Louis, its structure is a bit different and reversible. Canvas on one side and grained leather on the other. The bag's sturdy interior can be easily flipped to the outside, so the monogram is just an interior decoration. The bag also features a detachable handbag like the Saint Louis, and luggage tags can be added. Overall, with more details added than the St. Louis, this faux bag also shows a more intricate and detailed design.
Availability: In stock
Color | Green |
Handbag Exterior | Tote bag in green chevron canvas and two leather top handles and one detachable pouch and a tag |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Cavans & Leather |
Style | British Style |
Handbag Closure | Open top |
Handbag Dimension | W48XH25XD15(cm) |
Handbag Interior | One compartment |
Handbag Size | Large |
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