Hot Sale Replica Valentino Garavani Small Vsling Black Grainy Calfskin Leather V logo Nappa Lining Tote Bag For Women
This classic replica Valentino handbag incorporates many different brand elements. The trapezoidal Valentino bag features a new structured silhouette and a black grained leather finish. At the same time, the designer has kept the classic details, from the black leather-covered Vsling logo to the adjustable and detachable gold chain, fans will be amazed. Compared to another of the same black Vsling tote bags in our shop, this knockoff bag is smaller in size for easy portability.
Availability: In stock
Color | Black |
Handbag Exterior | Small tote bag in black grainy leather with one top handle and one shoulder strap and vsling button |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Calfskin/Cowhide Leather |
Style | British Style |
Texture | Grainy Leather |
Handbag Closure | Magnetic closure |
Handbag Dimension | W25XH17XD12(cm) |
Handbag Interior | two compartments divided by one zipped pocket and one flat open pocket |
Handbag Size | Small |
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