High Quality Birkin 30 Black Box Calf Leather Silver Turn Lock Belt Strap - Replica Hermes Round Top Handles Women's Bag
Hermès tote bags are perfect for those who commute every day, enjoy shopping and travel a lot. This replica Birkin 30 tote bag is so smartly crafted it lives up to its name. Crafted in black calfskin leather, it's classic and stylish, with gleaming silver hardware that exudes glamour, topped with two rounded handles and a spacious, divided interior. This knock-off Birkin 30 tote bag from Hermès is a must-have in your summer wardrobe.
Availability: In stock
Color | Black |
Handbag Exterior | Black Calfskin Leather Copy Handbag With Silver Tone Hardware, Petaloid Front Flap, Two Straps With Center Turn Lock Closure, Clochette With Lock And Two Keys, And Double Rolled Top Handles |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Calfskin/Cowhide Leather |
Style | Street Fashion, Sweet Lady |
Texture | Leather Belt, Metallic |
Handbag Closure | Turn Lock Closure |
Handbag Dimension | W30XH22XD16(cm) |
Handbag Interior | Leather Lining With Zipper Pocket And Open Flat Pocket |
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