Fake Hermes Birkin 25 Orange Togo Leather Yellow Gold Hardware Belt Detail Lady Double Top Handles Touch Bag
Owning a Hermès handbag as attractive as this one is every woman's dream. Crafted in Togo leather, this replica bag is enhanced by the front strap detail and turnbuckle, but the leather interior of this bag will dutifully hold all your daily essentials. In addition, the petal-style flap is secured by a strap and a swivel buckle for a stylish look. When you wear this faux Birkin 25 tote bag, your heart is bound to move.
Availability: In stock
Color | Orange |
Handbag Exterior | Orange Togo Leather Clone Handbag With Yellow Gold Plated Hardware, Petaloid Front Flap, Two Straps With Center Turn Lock Closure, Clochette With Lock And Two Keys, And Double Rolled Top Handles |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Togo Leather |
Style | Street Fashion, Sweet Lady |
Texture | Leather Belt, Metallic |
Handbag Closure | Turn Lock Closure |
Handbag Dimension | W25XH20XD13(cm) |
Handbag Interior | Leather Lining With Zipper Pocket And Open Flat Pocket |
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