Best Price Hermes Birkin 40 Dark Blue Cowhide Leather Silver Hardware Fancy Flap - Replica Belt Strap Turn Lock Women's Handbag
Elegant design and impeccable craftsmanship make this replica Birkin 40 tote bag from Hermès continue to attract A-listers. A signature Hermès design, this imitation bag is timeless and elegant. Crafted from high-end cowhide leather, this bag is chiseled in a sleek H-shape in an elegant navy blue hue, accentuated by the turn lock on the petal-style flap. The shape and details of this bag elevate its beauty, and the leather interior holds all your essentials.
Availability: In stock
Color | Blue |
Handbag Exterior | Dark Blue Cowhide Leather Imitation Handbag With Silver Tone Hardware, Petaloid Front Flap, Two Straps With Center Turn Lock Closure, Clochette With Lock And Two Keys, And Double Rolled Top Handles |
Gender | Women's |
Material | Calfskin/Cowhide Leather |
Style | Street Fashion, Sweet Lady |
Texture | Leather Belt, Metallic |
Handbag Closure | Turn Lock Closure |
Handbag Dimension | W40XH30XD20(cm) |
Handbag Interior | Leather Lining With Zipper Pocket And Open Flat Pocket |
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